Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Offers Four Paths to Qualified Mortgage Status

In order to create a rule that meets consumer protection goals while also providing flexibility, the CFPB has established four different paths for loans to gain QM status. Each is detailed below: 1. General Definition: The general Qualified Mortgage definition requires eligible loans to not exceed the points and fees threshold, not have negative amortization or interest-only payments, not be a balloon and have a term that does not exceed 30 years. In addition, borrowers must have a back-end debt-to-income ratio at 43% or below. Lenders must collect and verify a borrower's income, assets, debts...

Poll Shows Strong Consumer Support for Financial Regulation

Five years after the start of the economic crisis, public opinion continues to solidly favor both strong regulation of banks and financial companies and the need for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, according to a national telephone survey of likely voters conducted this summer. The survey of 1,004 likely voters was conducted between July 8-11, 2013, by Lake Research Partners on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform and the Center for Responsible Lending. It included a mix of big-picture and issue-specific questions. Voters were asked both about reform measures that have already...

Monitor Report: 643,000 Borrowers Received Over $51 billion in Benefits

In this analysis of the fifth report by the Monitor of the National Mortgage Settlement, the Center for Responsible Lending concludes that borrowers have benefitted from more transparent oversight of the negotiated servicing practices by participating banks. With more than $51 billion in gross benefits have been provided to 643,000 borrowers, CRL also poses questions on outstanding items.

2013 Update: The Spillover Effects of Foreclosures

The financial harm caused by over 12.5 million foreclosures from 2007-2012 is the focus of this brief, the fifth in a series of updated on related findings. Between 2007 and 2012, over 12.5 million homes have gone into foreclosure. These foreclosures directly harm the families that experience them, obviously, and they also have negative effects that extend to the neighborhood, community and wider economy. There are myriad costs of foreclosures, but in this report we focus on one: the economic impact on neighboring homeowners who lose home equity as a result of reduced property values. This...

Government-Mandated Down Payment Standards Would Harm the Economy, Deny Homeownership to Credit-Worthy Families

As various proposals call for mortgage lending reform, CRL speaks to the importance of preserving broad access to credit. This fact sheet also explains how government-mandated down payments would deny many consumers the chance to become first-time homebuyers.

Comments to Department of Defense: Expanding Credit Protections for Service Members and Their Families

Although the Military Lending Act has resulted in significant improvements, Service members continue to be the target of predatory lenders. In 2012, members of the military filed 61,642 complaints with the Federal Trade Commission's Military Sentinel system. Twenty-two percent of complaints filed by enlisted members were about debt collection, banks/lenders and credit cards. The Department of Defense (DoD) invited comments on whether to expand the Military Lending Act, particularly focusing on whether DoD should expand the current law's definition of "consumer credit." CRL and other groups...

Testimony: Seniors Vulnerable to Predatory Payday Loans

On July 24, 2013, Rebecca Borné, senior policy counsel for CRL, testified before the Senate Special Committee on Aging on how payday lending affects senior citizens. In her testimony, Rebecca made the following points: CRL Testimony Watch Rebecca's testimony. The Payday Trap Watch Annette's testimony. Payday loans are designed to create a long-term debt trap. Payday loans cause borrowers severe harm, leaving them worse off than they were before the first payday loans. Payday loans were legalized only in relatively recent years based on the claim they would be used for emergencies, but they...