Oppose H.R. 712 Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act of 2015

On behalf of our millions of members and supporters nationwide, these 45 groups urge the opposition of the so-called "Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act of 2015" (H.R. 712), which would undermine citizen enforcement of our laws and impede the resolution of consumer protection, anti-discrimination, environmental protection, and other important cases before our federal courts. H.R. 712 targets consent decrees and settlement agreements involving congressionally mandated federal agency actions. These agency actions in many instances have the purpose of protecting civil rights...

Oppose H.R. 4018 Consumer Protection and Choice Act

More than 250 civil rights, consumer, labor, faith, veterans, seniors, and community organizations, strongly oppose H.R. 4018, the "Consumer Protection and Choice Act." This harmful bill would limit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) ability to protect all consumers against high-cost payday, car title, and installment loans. In addition to delaying the Bureau's rule-making for two years or longer, H.R. 4018 would allow the payday industry to avoid federal regulation altogether by pushing an industry-backed proposal based on a Florida law that has proven ineffective at stopping...

Oppose H.R. 527 the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act

This letter strongly urges the opposition of H.R. 527, the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2015 (SBRFIA). SBRFIA expands the reach and scope of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and would increase unnecessary and lengthy regulatory delays, increase undue influence by regulated industries and encourage convoluted court challenges.

FHA Single-Family Mortgage Insurance Premiums

This letter urges the FHA to reduce the cost of its single-family mortgage insurance premiums to expand access to safer and more affordable mortgages to more creditworthy households. The FHA has twin missions to provide access to mortgage credit and to protect the integrity of the Fund - these missions are best accomplished using a dynamic evaluation of the FHA book of business, performance over time, and market fundamentals.

Oppose S. 2038 Jumpstart GSE Reform Act

This sign-on letter urges the rejection of any effort to include the "Jumpstart GSE Reform Act" in the omnibus FY 2016 appropriations agreement. While the name and the stated purpose of this bill may sound innocuous, it would effectively hinder rather than advance reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, increasing the risk of future taxpayer bailouts, and potentially jeopardizing the ability of the GSEs to expand affordable housing in the communities we represent.

Oppose H.R. 1737 Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Act

H.R. 1737 hides its intent behind a smokescreen of claims about process and regulatory jurisdiction. However, the bill is really about the unfair and discriminatory impact of car dealer interest rate markups. The bill seemingly targets guidance the CFPB released in March 2013 putting lenders on notice that it had evidence of discrimination in car loans held in lenders’ portfolios and gave assistance to lenders on how to avoid fair lending risk going forward. The bill is a misguided attack on the CFPB’s enforcement of anti-discrimination laws.

Oppose H.R. 1210 Portfolio Lending and Mortgage Access Act

The undersigned organizations write to urge you to oppose H.R. 1210 (the “Portfolio Lending and Mortgage Access Act”). This bill makes two harmful changes to the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) and its implementing regulations: It takes a special exemption designed for more trustworthy small and rural banks and extends it to all banks, regardless of size or trustworthiness. It substantially weakens the Act’s ban on loan steering—a practice that supports predatory lending and racial discrimination.

Letter to CFPB: Payday Rule Should Cover Longer-Term, Multi-Payment Loans

American consumers need strong protections from unfair, deceptive or abusive practices in the payday and small-dollar lending markets. CRL joined Americans for Financial Reform and more than 100 other organizations to urge Richard Cordray, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to pass a broad rule, warning that an overly narrow rule could result in an even deeper debt trap.

AFR Sign-on to OCC on Overdraft and Bank Payday

Consumer groups fear OCC proposed guidance may legitimize and facilitate the spread of payday lending by national banks, and banks would continue abusive overdraft practices—harming bank customers, undermining state payday loan laws, and weakening the long-term safety and soundness of financial institutions.