OCC Proposed Rule Encourages Predatory Lending and Threatens to Eviscerate North Carolina’s Lending Laws

In a September 3 letter to Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Brian Brooks, the Coalition for Responsible Lending wrote: We oppose the OCC’s proposed rule to permit lenders to use the rent-a-bank model to avoid North Carolina’s rigorously enforced interest rate cap. The OCC’s proposed rule will let predatory lenders off the hook for charging interest and fees in excess of what is legally allowed in our state. This rule, if implemented, will bring back the harms associated with predatory lending and limit our state’s ability to protect our consumers from those harms. This rule will not offer...

400+ Civil Rights Organizations Urge Congressional Action on Police Violence

CRL joined with more than 400 organizations to call on Congress to pass meaningful police reform legislation: Abusive police practices coupled with devastating state-sanctioned violence have exacted systemic brutality and fatality upon Black people since our nation’s founding. The current protests across our country are not new. They are in response to a long cycle of lawlessness against Black people, from our founding to 1968, the year the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. was murdered. This cycle includes deadly incidents spanning from Los Angeles in 1992 to Ferguson in 2014. Police have...

Joint Letter: Making the Paycheck Protection Program Work for Underserved Small Businesses

Nearly forty consumer and civil rights organizations call on the Trump Administration and the Congress to work together and take the following steps to ensure access to the Paycheck Protection Program for underserved businesses and sole proprietors. Set aside $10 billion for use ONLY by Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs), to make this funding available to underserved businesses. Extend the deadline for processing PPP loans until December 31, 2020. For the purposes of granting forgiveness of PPP loans, extend the period during which...

Joint Statement: Narrowing Student Debt Cancellation In HEROES Act Leaves Out Millions

A joint statement on the choice to narrow student loan debt cancellation in the HEROES Act from Action Center on Race and the Economy, American Federation of Teachers, Americans for Financial Reform, Center for Responsible Lending, Demos, Generation Progress, National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its low-income clients), Student Borrower Protection Center, Student Debt Crisis.

The Critical Relief of Student Debt Cancellation Must Remain in HR 6800 - the HEROES Act

From the letter to Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Scott, and Chairman McGovern: As Congress works to better protect Americans from the economic fallout of COVID-19, the financial difficulties of 44 million student loan borrowers and the effect of this debt on the economy cannot be forgotten. The relief in HEROES, especially the $10,000 of cancellation per borrower, will have a significant impact on low-income borrowers and borrowers of color. Student debt exacerbates existing systemic inequities and racial disparities, preventing recovery from extending to already marginalized groups who are still...

Ensuring Minority Depository Institutions and Community Development Financial Institutions Get Fair Share of Funds Allocated by the Paycheck Protection Increase Act of 2020

From the letter to Secretary Mnuchin: The undersigned civil rights, faith, and community development organizations write to seek that you direct the Small Business Administration (SBA) to designate that Community Financial institutions (CFIs) receive one-third of the $30 billion set aside for three groups of lenders—CFIs, small insured depository institutions, and credit unions—pursuant to H.R. 266, the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. Of the three groups of lenders, only CFIs aim specifically at serving communities of color. Congress included them in the $30...

Economic Impact Payments Responding to This Public Health Emergency Should Be Exempt from Otherwise Legally Binding Garnishment Orders

From the letter to Congressional leadership: The undersigned consumer and banking industry organizations write to urge Congress at the soonest possible opportunity to clarify that economic impact payments responding to this public health emergency are exempt from otherwise legally binding garnishment orders. Our organizations have worked together to address this issue and we believe that is possible to protect American families in a manner that is also workable for financial institutions.

Support for Borrower Assistance for Federally Held Student Loans in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)

While we applaud that quick action for student loan borrowers, we are concerned that this unprecedented crisis is affecting many borrowers who have Perkins loans or Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) loans that are not federally owned and who are not covered under the CARES Act. We respectfully request that you take action to enact, as part of your next emergency legislation, provisions to extend the CARES Act interest waivers, payment and collection activities suspensions, and other benefits to all FFELP and Perkins borrowers. Download the full letter. (PDF)