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Analysis of Federal Reserve Research on Behavioral Scoring

Read the full comment to the Federal Reserve CRL Comments On "Report to the Congress on Reductions of Consumer Credit Limits Based on Certain Information as to Experience or Transactions of the Consumer"[1] The Federal Reserve recently issued a report based on a survey of credit card issuers that asked whether they had taken adverse action on consumers' accounts based on cardholder patronage of merchants by geographic location, merchant type or transaction type. This practice is commonly known as "behavioral scoring." The media have highlighted examples of card issuers judging consumers to be...

High-Cost Payday Lending Traps Mississippi Borrowers

A CRL analysis finds that payday lenders charge up to 572 percent APR for two-week loans at over 900 payday lending outlets in Mississippi. The typical borrower in that state pays an estimated $691 fees for a $350 payday loan repeatedly renewed, and still owes the principal. Overall, payday lending drains $270 million from Mississippi families every year. An exemption allowing payday lenders to charge many times the 36 percent APR cap in Mississippi expires in 2012, but the payday lending industry has always fought hard to protect their exempt status. We expect a tough fight during the 2011...

Homeowner and Homebuyer Protection Act (SB 1015)

Full Session Law This legislation, effective October 1, 2010, provides basic protections for North Carolinians against foreclosure "rescue" scams, and abuses related to option-to-purchase and contract-for-deed contracts. Violations of this law constitute an unfair trade practice and the injured party may sue to recover damages, obtain declaratory or equitable relief, or rescind the transaction, in addition to any other remedy provided by law. This legislation, effective October 1, 2010, provides basic protections for North Carolinians against foreclosure "rescue" scams, and abuses related to...

Payday lenders pose as brokers to evade interest rate caps

In recent years, a growing number of states have enacted interest rate caps and other protections to eliminate abusive payday lending practices that trap consumers in long term debt. Payday lenders repeatedly evade these rules, finding new ways to maintain business as usual and continue to offer short-term loans with triple-digit interest rates. The latest form of subterfuge is one in which the payday lenders position themselves as brokers, seeking licensure under state-level laws designed to regulate credit repair organizations. Under this scheme, payday lenders charge the maximum interest...

Comments on NCUA's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Short-term, Small Amount Loans

SUMMARY We commend NCUA for its efforts to encourage federal credit unions (FCUs) to offer responsible small loan products. However, we encourage NCUA to think of this program in the context of two realities: 1) short-term loan products, whether they are called "payday loans" or are offered through a credit union, are likely to trap already vulnerable customers in costly debt; and 2) consumers with the ability to repay responsible loans can be served by existing affordable small loan products, and NCUA should actively encourage increased availability of these products.We recommend that NCUA...

The Debt Settlement Industry

Debt settlement is a rapidly growing industry in which companies advertise that they can eliminate consumer debt by negotiating reduced debt payoffs with a consumer's creditors, usually for unsecured debt such as credit card debt and medical bills. What's the Problem? Flawed model: The debt settlement model is an inherently flawed one, in that it requires consumers who are deep in debt (typically $20,000-$30,000 worth, if not more) to save significant sums of money to settle each individual debt, but requires them to pay hefty up-front fees and monthly fees that leave the consumer with little...

Foreclosures by Race and Ethnicity: The Demographics of a Crisis

Read our report >> Our new research shows that the foreclosure crisis is not over, and runaway foreclosures continue to drain hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth from families, hitting communities of color the hardest. An estimated 2.5 million foreclosures were completed from 2007 – 2009, and an estimated 5.7 additional ones are imminent. An estimated 17% of Latino homeowners and 11% of African-American homeowners have already lost their home to foreclosure or are now at imminent risk. The great majority of homes lost were owner occupied, as are those at imminent risk of being lost. Read...

A “Foreclosure Capital” in the Shadow of the Nation’s Capital

Louise Golden's backyard is a showplace. She planted everything with her own hands: crepe myrtle, pink peonies, azaleas, and roses of four colors. She and her husband, Stanley, bought the split-level house on Kepner Court in Lanham, Maryland, in 1980. She loved the place from the start, because of its roomy kitchen, and because of the possibilities she saw in the backyard. "This was the one," Golden, now 79, recalls thinking. The Goldens were like many African-American families who found homes in Prince George's County over the past few decades, helping to make the Washington, D.C. suburb one...

Auto Dealers Should Play By The Same Rules As Everyone Else

The auto dealer lobby successfully fought to receive a special exemption in the House from the rules of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in the financial reform bill even when the dealers act as creditors and brokers on car loans. But fair, honest and ethical competition requires a level playing field, as well as a fair and consistent system for accountability.

Top Priorities for Real Financial Reform

Reconciling H.R 4173 and S. 3217 During recent years, regulators stood by and allowed the most costly reckless lending in history, largely because they were heavily influenced by the very businesses they were supposed to oversee. Lax regulation has already cost trillions of dollars. For the final financial reform bill, these four issues will be vital in protecting taxpayers from another crisis in the future: To be successful, the new CFPB needs an independent source of funding and a fair and transparent rule-making process. CFPB must be able to write rules across industries. And new mortgage...

Financial Reform Conference: Sensible Standards and Accountability are Crucial for Home Loans

Today's financial troubles were triggered by a massive failure of home loans—a foreclosure epidemic that will continue to cost all homeowners billions of dollars each year. To avoid repeating this crisis, the final financial reform legislation must include three major elements: Better lending standards: Both the House and Senate bills (H.R. 4173 and S. 3217, respectively) include crucial minimum mortgage lending standards. Accountability for illegal lending: The provisions must contain adequate remedies to protect homeowners and deter violations. The Senate bill contains better remedies...

A Just Fee or Just a Fee?

An Examination of Credit Card Late Fees Read the entire "A Just Fee or Just a Fee?" 13 page research report. Brief background on the report plus report findings: The CARD Act of 2009 brought strong credit card reform to the industry and benefits to cardholders, but the penalty late fee issue remains to be addressed. Congress assigned the Federal Reserve to interpret what "reasonable and proportional" penalty fees means according to the borrower's violation, a credit card late payment, for example. This timely CRL report informs the discussion of credit card issuers and penalty late fees...

SB 1275 Summary

Summary of SB 1275 (As Amended 5-18-10) Section 2923.4: New Notice for Delinquent Borrowers on Foreclosure Process, Rights and Obligations Requires a state agency to create and translate a notice for delinquent borrowers that describes a borrower's rights and obligations, and outlines what to expect in the foreclosure process. (Specific text included in bill). Section 2923.5: Pre-NOD Determination for Loan Modification and Borrower Solicitation Requirements Pre-NoD Requirements. Provides that a servicer may not file a Notice of Default (initiating the foreclosure process) until all applicable...

SB 1275: Borrower Stories

Three servicers. Three California homeowners. Three avoidable foreclosures. Three Ways SB 1275 Would Help Stop the Foreclosures that can be Stopped Patricia and Manuel Mondoy, Hayward, Calif. Under SB 1275, GMAC would have been required to complete its evaluation of Patricia and Manuel M.'s loan modification before recording a Notice of Default. If GMAC had completed the evaluation process before initiating foreclosure, the borrowers would have received a modification without having to go through both a foreclosure and an eviction proceeding and over six months of uncertainty about whether or...

SB 1275: Fairness, Transparency, Accountability

The Problem SB 1275 Addresses Foreclosures Continue at Record Pace: The foreclosure crisis continues to rage in California, with little sign of easing in the near future. Nearly 200,000 foreclosures were completed in California last year, and are on pace to exceed that number in 2010. At the same time, the main federal loan modification program (HAMP) has produced fewer than 48,000 permanent loan modifications in California. Borrowers Experience Alarming Level of Problems with Their Servicers: Borrowers, housing counselors and attorneys throughout the State report that they regularly face...
Displaying 826 - 850 of 1192