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The State of Lending: Credit Cards

Credit cards are one of the most common purchasing tools used by Americans, and total U.S. credit card debt has increased $172 billion since 2000. This doesn't mean Americans are living beyond their means--a recent study found that many low- and middle-income households rely on credit cards to pay for basic living costs or weather medical expenses and unemployment. In the past, credit card companies took advantage of this reliance on credit cards by engaging in unfair and deceptive practices. This chapter illustrates some of these abusive practices, and describes how the Credit CARD Act of...

Auto Loan Markup Calculator

Car dealerships often markup auto loans by steering buyers into a higher interest rate loan than they qualify for. Don't let this happen to you. Find out how much extra interest may be in your next car loan with this calculator.

The State of Lending: Mortgages

Despite the worst housing crisis since the Great Depression, owning a home is still central to the hopes and aspirations of many Americans. Even with the recent decline in house prices, owning a home can bestow more financial and non-financial benefits than any other single asset. This means more economic mobility and financial security for families, and stronger communities too. As this chapter explains, the shift away from standard mortgage loans and strong underwriting during the 1990s and early 2000s, along with a fractured regulatory environment, sparked the foreclosure crisis and...

The State of Lending: Auto Loans

Automobiles are one of the largest purchases most American households will make. Car ownership affects where people can live and expands their options for jobs. So the affordability and sustainability of auto financing can have a big impact on many U.S. households. Purchasing a car is a complicated endeavor, and the sales price, trade-in value, and financing can all have a big impact on the vehicle's overall cost. In this chapter, CRL describes how the lack of transparency and regulation in auto finance has allowed predatory practices to thrive. Read Our Auto Loans Chapter Previous Chapter...

Congress: Extend Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act

Center for Responsible lending joined with Financial Services Roundtable and Housing Policy Council to ask Congress to extend the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act. This tax law has bi-partisan support and is critical to helping homeowners and communities struggling with the ongoing foreclosure crisis. Read the letter sent to the Senate Committee on Finance Read the letter to the House Ways and Mean Committee

California Homeowners’ Bill of Rights (HOBR)

The CaliforniaForeclosure Reduction Act – SB 900 (Leno, Corbett, DeSaulnier, Evans, Pavley, Steinberg) & AB 278 (Eng, Feuer, Mitchell) extends key protections of the National Mortgage Settlement to all mortgage servicers for owner-occupant borrowers at risk of foreclosure. Scope of Coverage What Loans? Limits covered loans to first liens of owner-occupied, one-to-four unit principal residence mortgages. Which Servicers? All servicers: General obligations, including prohibiting dual tracking and prohibition on false documents applies to all servicers. Small servicers: Servicers that foreclose...

Collateral Damage: The Spillover Cost of Foreclosures

Foreclosures have drained nearly $2 trillion dollars in lost property value from nearby households. Half of this spillover cost has been incurred by communities of color. People who happen to live near foreclosures lose significant home equity. $1.95 trillion in property value has been lost or will be lost by residents who live close to foreclosed properties. Based on loans that entered foreclosure between 2007 and 2011. This spillover estimate includes losses stemming from completed foreclosures and also future losses projected on foreclosure starts. Communities of color are bearing the...

CRL Comments To the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau RE: Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) and Loan Originator Compensation

In this comment, CRL affirms that limits on loan originator compensation contained in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and in Regulation Z are important consumer protections that fundamentally improve the mortgage market, and offers some suggestions for improving standards proposed by CFPB.

Making Mortgage Servicing More Effective: Comments to the CFPB

The ongoing foreclosure crisis has made plain the need for meaningful mortgage servicing standards that apply to mortgages and servicers across the country. Both policymakers and homeowners alike are now familiar with a range of mortgage servicing shortcomings that have made it difficult for borrowers to obtain loan modifications and other loss mitigation options. Consumer protection for servicing is particularly important because, even though borrowers can choose their lender, they cannot controlwho services their loan. One of the challenges raised by borrowers and advocates has been the...

Foreclosure Counseling: Areas of Greatest Need in 2012

Five years into the foreclosure crisis, borrowers across the country are still struggling with their mortgage payments, and many seek housing counseling to help manage their finances and guide them through the loan modification process. Between 2008 and 2012, the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program provided foreclosure counseling to nearly 1.4 million homeowners and mortgage-related legal assistance to more than 37,000 homeowners. This analysis helps identify which metropolitan and rural areas have been hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis and remain areas of greatest need for...

The Future of Homeownership By joining Homeville and tweeting, you're standing up for the mortgages we need now. Fair loans that serve all creditworthy borrowers. Designed to last. Recovering the American Dream After years of steady progress, the homeownership rate in America has seen its biggest drop since the Great Depression. Lax lending rules and Wall Street's lust for bad mortgages triggered a financial crisis that unraveled previous ownership gains and pushed economic security even further out of reach for millions of Americans. Today we have an opportunity to return to a stable lending environment...

CRL Comments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on RESPA and TILA (Regulations X and Z)

CRL offers supports the Bureau's consumer protection proposal for mortgage rules and disclosures for high-cost (HOEPA) loans. But it urges CFPB to be vigilant about evasions of HOEPA and to adopt a regulation that is expansive enough to capture all loans structured to evade HOEPA.

A Government-Mandated 10% Down Payment: Bad for Families, the Housing Market and the Economy

Many families who can pay their mortgages on time don't have wealth reserves for a large down payment. Decades of lending have shown that low down payment lending can be successful. Excluding millions of good borrowers from the mainstream mortgage market would be a serious mistake—slowing housing recovery and dragging down the economy when we most need healthy growth. With a 10% Down Payment Lower and middle-income families who could be successful homeowners would be locked out of the lower-cost, mainstream housing market. Existing wealth disparities would get even worse. Given median housing...

Qualified Residential Mortgages: Down Payment Rules Threaten Home Buyers—and the Economy

Finding the Right Balance Lack of underwriting, not low down payments, caused the current crisis. Strong underwriting is the best way to rein in risky loans—and Dodd-Frank already requires this. As part of implementing the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, federal regulators are charged with defining a "Qualified Residential Mortgage" or QRM. Government proposals have called for down payments up to 20% on QRM loans, but new research shows that mandating large down payments would be a mistake for business and consumers. Analyzing nearly 20 million mortgages made between 2000 and 2008, the...

Letter to Regulators on Down Payments (QRM Requirements)

Honorable Ben S. Bernanke Chairman Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Washington, DC 20551 Honorable Timothy Geithner Secretary U.S. Department of the Treasury Washington, DC 20220 Honorable Thomas J. Curry Comptroller Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Washington, DC 20219 Honorable Martin J. Gruenberg Acting Chairman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Washington, DC 20429 Mr. Edward DeMarco Acting Director Federal Housing Finance Agency Washington, DC 20552 Honorable Mary L. Shapiro Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission Washington, DC 20549 Honorable Shaun L. S...

"Qualified Residential Mortgages" -- the Negative Impact of a Government-Mandated 10 Percent Down Payment

Read the complete issue brief Read a short summary. Read the letter to regulators from CRL and six other organizations. Federal regulators are currently debating how to define "Qualified Residential Mortgages" (QRMs), a category of home loans established by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. Under Dodd-Frank, mortgage lenders that sell their loans into the private secondary market must retain a portion of the loan's risk unless the loan is designated as a QRM. Because lenders are strongly motivated to avoid future costs on loans they originate, the QRM...

H.R. 6139: Payday Lender Carve-out Will Undermine Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and States

At the root of HR 6139 and similar legislation is an effort by non-bank lenders to circumvent new federal oversight and undermine consumer protections recently provided under recent Wall Street reforms. HR 6139 will needlessly move federal jurisdiction over non-bank financial service providers from the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), thus negating recent efforts to rein in reckless and abusive practices like those that ignited the current economic crisis. If HR 6139 or similar legislation is approved, non-bank...

Programs to “Bank the Unbanked” Must Guarantee Good Practices

Bringing the "unbanked" into mainstream banking is good policy only if new account holders are not subject to financial practices that strip funds from these new accounts. Unfortunately, today's mainstream banking environment is fraught with danger for families who do not have a significant cushion of cash at their disposal. Local, state and federal agencies; civic organizations; and financial institutions are partnering in bringing these families into the mainstream. These stakeholders should ensure that programs promoting mainstream banking do not unintentionally create a supply of customers...

Comments on Enterprise Housing Goals

The Center for Responsible Lending, Consumer Federation of America, and Empire Justice Center submitted comments to the Federal Housing Finance Agency on a proposed rule for the 2012-2014 Enterprise Housing Goals. "It is critical that FHFA continue to focus on its responsibility of ensuring that the Enterprises serve the entire housing market." The Enterprises can do this while fostering a liquid, competitive and strong housing market.

No Credit Crunch: The CFPB and Consumer Access to Credit

Lack of regulation led to the foreclosure crisis that has destabilized the housing market and mortgage lending: Federal regulators could have stepped in to curb abusive lending practices in the years leading up to the foreclosure crisis, but this failed to happen. Instead, the private label securitization system bypassed government oversight by bundling an increasing number of subprime and Alt-A mortgages into mortgage-backed securities, and the widespread failure of these mortgages precipitated the still ongoing foreclosure crisis. Dodd-Frank, and the creation of the CFPB, are important...

CRL Tells CFPB: Prepaid Cards Lack Consumer Protections

Prepaid cards are an important new financial product that holds the promise of expanding access to modern electronic transactions to millions of consumers. However, prepaid cards lack consumer protections and some have features that expose consumers to unnecessary dangers. The most important step that the CFPB can take to ensure that prepaid cards fulfill their promise, and to prevent unfair, deceptive or abusive practices, is to ensure that prepaid cards are true to their essence as a prepaid transaction product. Overdraft and credit features must be prohibited on prepaid cards.
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