Poll: Voters Oppose Department of Education and CFPB Rollback of Student Loan Protections

Strong majorities across political parties show concern about the level of student debt in the United States and oppose the Department of Education’s (ED) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) recent actions to weaken protections for students, according to a new poll released by Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) and the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL). The poll was...

Prohibiting Rent-a-Bank Arrangements: A Longstanding Banking Principle

Download this factsheet for more information on the top three principles against rent-a-bank arrangements: Long Precedent Against Rent-A-Bank Schemes Has Served Banks and Consumers Well. More Recent Rent-a-Bank Arrangements (with FDIC-supervised banks) Include Grossly Irresponsible Loans. Change in Course Would Invite Risk, Backlash, and Erosion of Confidence in Banking System.

Poll: Strong Bipartisan Opposition Among Voters to Major Components of the Proposed New CFPB Debt Collection Rule

Earlier this year, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed new rules for debt collectors. The proposal authorizes, for the first time, a specific number of communication attempts to collect past-due debts. The rules also authorizes new means of communicating with people to collect debts, such as email and direct messaging, and expands the ability to collect time-barred debt. Download the...

North Carolina's Student Debt: Dimensions of a Crisis

While pursuing higher education is still a pathway to higher incomes over a person’s lifetime, student loan debt threatens to undermine this promise in North Carolina and nationwide. Outstanding student loan amounts have risen at an alarming rate over the past decade, and North Carolina has not been immune from this trend. Today, students and their families face a difficult...

Quicksand: Borrowers of Color & the Student Debt Crisis

Higher education has long been considered a pathway for advancement in our country. However, the playing field has not been level for low- and moderate-income families and people of color in their pursuit of a postsecondary education. Sadly, the resulting disparities in educational outcomes contribute to the persistent and growing racial wealth and income gaps. Nationwide, trends in the higher...

A Smarter Qualified Mortgage Can Benefit Borrowers, Taxpayers, and the Economy

In the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress required lenders to make a reasonable and good faith determination that the borrower has the ability to repay a mortgage loan (ATR) before the loan is made. It also created a category of loans, called Qualified Mortgages, or QM, that are presumed to comply with the ATR requirement given product and borrower credit characteristics that...

The Failings Of Online For-profit Colleges: Findings From Student Borrower Focus Groups

Until 2010, for-profit institutions constituted the fastest growing sector in higher education. Coinciding with this growth, online college courses and programs expanded rapidly, driven initially by the adoption of online technologies by huge for-profit institutions like the University of Phoenix, Grand Canyon University, and Walden University. The business model for the online component of these schools was characterized by institutional...

Debt By Default: Debt Collection Practices in Washington 2012–2016

Debt collection efforts around the United States rely heavily on litigation to collect past due debt. The ease of obtaining default judgments and garnishment orders has led debt buyers to use the courts as a critical tool for extracting payments from consumers, despite the lack of documentation showing that the consumer actually owes the amount claimed. Debt buyers are skilled...

Congress Must Act to Solve Student Loan Debt Crisis and Close the Racial Wealth Gap

Existing racial wealth gap increases burden of student loan debt on Black families and communities: This means families of color are more likely to need to borrow for higher education, will have less income with which to pay it, and have less of a cushion to withstand future financial shocks, thus contributing to a higher likelihood of delinquency and default...