Consumer, Civil rights, and Labor Groups in California Commend Efforts to Regulate Abusive Fintech Lenders

The undersigned organizations commend the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) for moving to regulate abusive fintech lenders, including earned wage advance providers. We are very pleased to support the proposed rules and encourage the DFPI to vigorously enforce them to ensure that California’s most vulnerable consumers are not harmed. Signatories California Employment Lawyers Association (CELA) CA Labor Federation CA League of United Latin American Citizens (CA LULAC) California Low-Income Consumer Coalition (CLICC) California Reinvestment Coalition (CRC) Center for...

CRL and NCLC Comment in Support of the DFPI’s proposal to Clarify that Fintech Cash Advances are Covered by the California Financing Law

The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) and the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) expressed support for the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation’s (DFPI) proposal to clarify that fintech cash advances are covered by the California Financing Law (CFL), including its fee and interest rate limits. The proposal requires that lenders be licensed under the CFL, with a temporary licensing exception for employer-based advances by firms that register under the California Consumer Financial Protection Law.

Comment in Support of Strengthening the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Proposed Rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

CRL and more than 50 organizations committed to gender justice submitted a comment in support of strengthening the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Proposed Rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, which was published in the Federal Register on February 9, 2023 (HUD Docket No. FR 6250-P-01) (Proposed Rule).

Consumers Groups Call On the FTC to Regulate Junk Fees

In response to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) notice that it intends to issue regulation, CRL joined a coalition of consumer groups in calling for FTC action to rein-in junk fees. Among other topics, this comment letter highlights a CRL report on installment loan companies that would tack on credit insurance and “automobile club memberships” – charges that meet multiple characteristics of junk fees, including that they’re often a surprise to the consumer and that their value to the consumer is limited or nonexistent. The letter was also signed by: Accountable.US AKPIRG American Economic...

Coalition Comments to FDIC Regarding Community Reinvestment Act Examination of First Electronic Bank

Accountable.US, Americans for Financial Reform, Center for Responsible Lending, Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its low- income clients), National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Public Citizen, US PIRG and the Woodstock Institute submitted comments for the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) examination of First Electronic Bank. First Electronic Bank helps at least two nonbank lenders make predatory loans at rates up to 180% annual percentage rate (APR) that they cannot legally make directly. The loans that First Electronic Bank...

Comments to FDIC from Coalition on Community Reinvestment Act Examination of Rent-a-Bank FinWise Bank

From the comment: Accountable.US, Americans for Financial Reform, Center for Responsible Lending, Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its lowincome clients), National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Public Citizen, US PIRG and the Woodstock Institute submit these comments in connection with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) examination of FinWise Bank. FinWise Bank helps several nonbank lenders make predatory loans at rates up to 160% annual percentage rate (APR) that they cannot legally make directly. The loans that FinWise...

Comment: CRL and Self-Help Support the CDFI Fund’s Adoption of Meaningful Consumer Protections in CDFI Certification Application

The Center for Responsible Lending, Self-Help Credit Union, Self-Help Federal Credit Union, and Self-Help Ventures Fund strongly support the CDFI Fund’s efforts to more vigorously ensure that the primary mission of any CDFI is to promote community development. In November 2020, CRL and Self-Help urged the Fund to adopt several critical consumer protections in the Fund’s certification application. We are very pleased to see that the Fund has proposed to adopt many of those protections, including: Limiting the ability of CDFIs to lend at interest rates that exceed 36% Requiring CDFIs to lend...

Coalition Applauds CDFI Fund’s Focus on Community Development

A broad coalition of consumer groups filed comments supporting the CDFI Fund’s changes to the application for CDFI certification. In recent years, many harmful financial products have been pushed on underserved communities in the name of “access to credit” and “financial inclusion.” Most CDFIs stay away from these harmful products and are true to their mission but far too many entities have obtained CDFI status despite engaging in these irresponsible financial practices. The coalition supports the Fund’s changes to the CDFI application to close many loopholes that allowed CDFIs to offer...

CFPB Should Update Mortgage Regulations to Reduce Unnecessary Foreclosures and Reduce the Racial Wealth Gap

The National Consumer Law Center (on behalf of its low-income clients), the Center for Responsible Lending, and the National Housing Law Project submitted this comment to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in response to a request for information regarding mortgage refinances and forbearances.

Sign-on Letter to the FTC Addressing Auto Sale Add-ons, Price and Financing Disclosures, Yo-yo sales, and More

Letter signed by 110 national, state, and local consumer, civil rights, legal services, community, public interest organizations, consumer attorneys, and others in comment on the FTC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on the sale, financing, and leasing of motor vehicles by dealers.