As CFPB Continues Work on Payday Lending Protections, Congress Pushes Effort to Weaken Consumer Bureau

One year ago, CFPB issued a proposed rule to stop the debt trap. Today, Congress seeks to advance bill to gut CFPB and give a free pass to payday lenders. The CFPB's ability to issue a strong rule against the abuses of 300% payday loans is exactly why Congress should be defending the CFPB, not attacking it. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer advocates and civil rights organizations are calling on Congress to let the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) finish its job of finalizing a strong rule on payday and car-title lending. A year ago today, people from across the country gathered in Kansas

DeVos Watch Will Hold Department Of Education Accountable To The Public

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) announced the launch of DeVos Watch, a new online resource that will elevate emerging issues affecting actions and developments pursued by U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. The online platform will be hosted on Senator Warren's website. Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) Counsel Ashley Harrington released the following statement: We applaud Senator Warren's leadership for holding Secretary DeVos and the Department of Education accountable to students and parents. This new resource will be valued not only by

California Legislature Fails To Advance Protections Against Predatory Loans

OAKLAND, Calif. – AB 784, a bill to curb abuses by lenders charging more than 100% interest on loans of more than $2,500, was stalled in the Assembly Appropriations Committee last Friday, effectively preventing the proposal from moving forward to a floor vote. Earlier last week, Assembly Banking Committee Chair and author of the bill, Matt Dababneh (D-Encino), proposed a set of amendments that would have greatly limited the bill's protections by exempting car-title loans and loans that could be targeting small business. Dababneh's provisions would have allowed lenders to charge borrowers as

The Trump Budget's Big Giveaway to Financial Predators

President's Proposal would Eliminate Consumer Watchdog and Drive Americans Deeper into Debt WASHINGTON, DC -- Alongside a parade of horribles in the White House budget, the proposal's attempt to completely defund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau stands out. The Consumer Bureau has returned approximately $12 billion to the pockets of Americans who had money illegally taken from them by the predatory actions of financial companies, including Wells Fargo, payday lenders, and debt collectors. Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) Senior Legislative Counsel Yana Miles released the following

Consumer and Civil Rights Groups Urge Court of Appeals to Keep CFPB Structure Intact, Protect Consumers against Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Banks

WASHINGTON – Consumer and civil rights groups released the following statements today following oral arguments in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in PHH Corporation vs. CFPB. The hearing is a result of the Court’s decision to grant the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) petition for the full court to hear the case following a panel’s erroneous 2-1 ruling (PDF) that the President may remove the CFPB Director without cause. The panel’s decision last year undermines the agency’s independence to regulate the financial services industry and protect consumers from bad

Proposed DeVos Budget Cuts to Higher Ed Will Encourage Harmful Choices, Heavier Debt

The Department of Education Budget Cuts Funds from Better Alternatives to Predatory For-Profits and Eliminates Aids to Debt Reduction WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) assessed that cuts of $10.6 billion from federal education initiatives announced in the Department of Education’s proposed budget include measures that will drive low-income college students to for-profit colleges that leave them with heavy debt and frequently, no degrees. The budget is also expected to exacerbate the explosive burden of student loan debt that now follows millions of Americans

CRL Troubled by Department of Education Requirements for Student Loan Servicers

New Rules Will Create a Monopoly for a Single Servicer and Eliminate Requirements for Several Important Services WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) expressed concern that new requirements released by the U.S. Department of Education in its contract solicitation for a future loan servicer will narrow the nation’s student loan servicers from nine to a single servicer, essentially creating a monopoly over management of a $1.3 trillion loan portfolio. The requirements also eliminate several services that the former administration had expected of student loan

Video: Faith Leaders Speak Out On Payday Lending

Faith and Credit Roundtable Calls Community to Action as Congress Threatens to Tie Hands of Consumer Agency DURHAM, N.C. — As the U.S. House of Representatives moves a bill that would roll back key consumer protections put into place after the 2008 financial crisis, the Faith & Credit Roundtable is calling on people of faith across the country to demand that Members of Congress support reform of predatory payday lending. The Faith & Credit Roundtable is an interfaith coalition that seeks to end predatory lending's harmful impact on economically vulnerable families. Among the many harmful

CRL Lauds Bill To Repeal Congressional Review Act and Restore Protections

Using the CRA, Congress and White House have Erased Fourteen Regulatory Protections This Year WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) commended Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), Senator Tom Udall (D-NM), Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI), and Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) for introducing the Sunset the CRA and Restore American Protections (SCRAP) Act, a bill to repeal the Congressional Review Act (CRA). The CRA is a fast-track legislative tool that Congress can use to quickly eliminate the previous presidential administration's regulations, which were years or decades

Prepaid Card Rule Set To Move Forward As Planned, Protecting Millions of Consumers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to repeal a new consumer protection rule on prepaid cards is not set to advance in the Senate ahead of a deadline, nixing the measure’s chances of getting a vote by the full chamber. The prepaid card rule was finalized by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) last October. The rule includes many commonsense protections for prepaid users, such as standard fraud and disclosure provisions of the Electronic Funds Transfer Act. These protections apply to error resolutions, lost cards, and unauthorized transactions, and the