Move Forward, Not Backward on Mortgage Reforms

The U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs convened a hearing to assess the effects of Consumer Finance Regulation. Mike Calhoun, President of the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) offered comments for the committee’s record and issued the following statement.

Restricting Debt Collection Doesn’t Limit Credit Availability

"While federal law already prohibits a wide range of unscrupulous debt-collection practices, some states have gone further, enacting laws and regulations to limit collectors' ability to pursue repayment. The collections industry claims these restrictions hinder consumers’ access to credit, a new report says that just isn’t the case."

Wait, Banks Can Shut Off My Car?

Jaeah Lee | Mother Jones
If payment assurance devices really reduced risk for subprime lenders, we should expect to see lower interest rates on those loans, counters Lisa Stifler, an attorney with the Center for Responsible Lending. "The reality is that subprime dealers continue to make loans at interest rates that are at the state maximum," she says. "They're accounting for risk with the interest rates and putting on these devices."

Be Wary of (Loan) Sharks in Sheep’s Clothing

Reverend Willie Gable Jr, The Washington Post
One can never truly know the heart of another person. But I can’t help but wonder whether Rod Aycox, owner of a national chain of car title loan stores, saw the tragic shooting of nine men and women at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church last June as an opportunity to buy off his most effective critics. How else can one explain the announcement, in the wake of the murders, that he was donating $1 million to organizations that promote and protect civil rights — after years of making a fortune ripping off low-income people of color? Aycox and his peers in the low-dollar, outrageously high

Mortgage Discrimination: What to Do If It Happens to You

Hal M. Bundrick, CFP | Nerdwallet
“I am hopeful that many of the unfair practices that we saw in the marketplace, particularly during the recent foreclosure crisis, are no longer present,” Nikitra Bailey, executive vice president with the Center for Responsible Lending, tells NerdWallet. The passage of Dodd-Frank regulations sought to stem mortgage lending abuses such as balloon payments, teaser interest rates and high fees — called “fee packing.”

Will America Ever Create an Opportunity Economy For All?

Charlene Crowell | The Washington Informer
"As communities of color continue to suffer from financial stress, a new research report provides insights as to how the racial wealth divide is in large part created by policy trends that favor the well-to-do at the expense of the majority of the nation..."

CRL Joins NAACP’s Journey for Justice in Call for Fair and Equal Access to Financial Services

Charlene Crowell | The Saint Louis American
“Economic inequality has long been a major concern in the civil rights community,” observed Nikitra Bailey, CRL executive vice president. “It is essential that lending practices are fair, transparent, and do not rob American families of their opportunity to exist securely in the middle class. There is no place for financial apartheid in our financial services sector.”