Legislation Seeks Debt-Free College Degrees and Real Career Opportunities

Charlene Crowell | Center for Responsible Lending
“For too long, for-profit colleges have failed to serve the educational purpose for which they were intended,” Harrington said. “The combination of high costs and low graduation rates by these bad actors have resulted in unfair burdens for student borrowers and taxpayers. This bill improves accountability for all higher education institutions and creates a sensible path to fix our broken student loan repayment system.”

State AGs to DeVos: Work with, Not Against, State Law Enforcement

Charlene Crowell | Center for Responsible Lending
“If it wasn’t clear before, it certainly is now,” observed Whitney Barkley-Denney, a Senior Policy Counsel with the Center for Responsible Lending. “The Department of Education and Secretary DeVos are more interested in shielding corporate actors like Navient and for-profit colleges from taking responsibility for their bad acts,” added Barkley-Denney. “Like the Attorneys General speaking out against this latest development, we remain dedicated to standing up for students, and urge Secretary DeVos to remember who she was appointed to serve.”

Trump CFPB Pick Would Be First Director of Consumer Agency with Student Debt

Ben Wieder | The Charlotte Observer
"While Ms. Kraninger's own status as one of 44 million Americans with outstanding student loan debt provides her with some insight, this is but a drop compared to a tidal wave of evidence weighing against her nomination," said Ashley Harrington, counsel at the Center for Responsible Lending. "Student borrowers need a director who will be their champion - she is not that person."

Education Department Shielding Bad Actors

Charlene Crowell | Center for Responsible Lending
“If it wasn’t clear before, it certainly is now,” observed Whitney Barkley-Denney, a senior policy counsel with the Center for Responsible Lending. “The Department of Education and Secretary DeVos are more interested in shielding corporate actors like Navient and for-profit colleges from taking responsibility for their bad acts.”

Mulvaney Snubs Consumers to Help Payday Lenders

Charlene Crowell | Center for Responsible Lending
“Mulvaney’s decision to halt the CFPB from moving forward on addressing abusive overdraft fee practices will severely impact poor families and communities of color,” said Rebecca Borne, senior policy counsel at the Center for Responsible Lending.

Would Trump's CFPB Pick Silence Consumers?

Debbie Goldstein | Center for Responsible Lending
Many Americans have felt the frustration of getting the run-around from a customer service agent or finding an unhelpful recording at the end of a financial company’s complaint line. When someone has been cheated out of money and their family’s wellbeing is at stake, this experience is more than an annoyance — it’s an injustice that for too long left people with little recourse. That is, until 2011 when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau launched the consumer complaint database, which documents and helps people resolve disputes with financial companies.

Senate Grilling Awaits Trump Nominee to Head Consumer Watchdog Agency

The Washington Post
"We need a CFPB director that's going to hold Wall Street accountable and transparent to the public, someone with a proven track record of going to bat for consumers - Kathy Kraninger is not that person," said Debbie Goldstein, executive vice president of the Center for Responsible Lending.

Democrats Scrutinize CFPB Nominee's Record on Immigration and Puerto Rico

Joseph Lawler | Washington Examiner
“Kathy Kraninger’s nomination is just a political play for Mick Mulvaney to cement his anti-consumer agenda at the CFPB,” said Debbie Goldstein, executive vice president at the Center for Responsible Lending. “She has no experience in protecting Americans from predatory lenders and has a record of mismanagement that’s harmed families across the country.”

These Startups Want to Buy a Share of Your House. Is That a Good Idea?

Andy Rosen | Boston Globe
“When you’re dealing with primary residences, that’s a situation that could have potential lifetime repercussions,” said Scott B. Astrada, director of federal advocacy for the Center for Responsible Lending. “Some of the models I’ve seen raise a lot of questions and concerns that we don’t have answers to yet — and I don’t think anyone does.” He also questioned what would prevent the companies from ignoring low-income, minority, and rural communities that have seen slow growth in real estate values following the Great Recession.