Payday lending is illegal in NC. Some fear a new bill could allow it back in the state.

Brian Murphy | The News & Observer
“This actually has happened in North Carolina before. We know it is possible. We know that payday lenders will try to evade our very strong state interest rate cap exactly because this happened before,” said Kelly Tornow, the director of North Carolina policy for the Center for Responsible Lending.

An act of madness: CFPB said to be letting Equifax off the hook for data breach

David Lazarus | Los Angeles Times
Yana Miles, senior legislative counsel for the Center for Responsible Lending, said Mulvaney "is finding new ways to sabotage the consumer bureau." "The administration should recognize the severe harm Mulvaney is doing to the public and nominate a director who has people's interest at heart," she said. Now that would be a wonder.

Clock running out to get housing finance reform moving

Ian McKendry | American Banker
However, the bill faces political headwinds, including opposition from consumer groups that worry the plan does not go as far as the current system to support affordable housing. "The bill is kind of a nonstarter for us at this point,” said Scott Astrada, director of federal advocacy at the Center for Responsible Lending.

CFPB Change Triggers Concerns About Enforcement of Fair-Lending Practices

Tobie Stanger | Consumer Reports
The staffers who will now enforce fair-lending laws will be generalists who have their hands full with numerous other consumer issues, said Deborah Goldstein, executive vice president of the Center for Responsible Lending, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit focused on fighting predatory lending. “Fair lending will not have an advocate in that division,” she said.

Court Upholds Constitutionality of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The case could have broader implications over arguments of agencies and individuals that Congress grants a degree of independence from the executive branch as well. “The important thing to keep in mind here is it’s about preserving the institution, the long-term independence of the bureau,” said Melissa Stegman, senior policy counsel for the Center for Responsible Lending, during a press...

Here’s How the GOP Might Finally De-Fang the CFPB

Melissa Stegman, senior policy counsel on the federal policy team of Center for Responsible Lending, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization based in Washington, D.C., said she thinks legislative action to get rid of the CFPB is “extremely unlikely. My impression is that there isn’t even much of an appetite to do that legislatively, because Mulvaney is already doing it through the...