Bernie Sanders: ‘Exploitative’ payday loans in Wisconsin average 574% annual rate

Eric Litke | PolitiFact
Ramping up his latest push for the White House, Bernie Sanders is taking aim at high interest rates on credit cards and payday loans. The Vermont senator introduced legislation in May 2019 — along with U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — that would cap both rates at 15%. Payday loans are small-dollar advances designed to provide emergency funds. They are typically...

Payday and Car Title Lenders Drain Nearly $8 Billion in Fees Every Year

Payday and car-title loans typically carry annual percentage rates (APR) of at least 300%. These high-cost loans are marketed as quick solutions to a financial emergency. Research demonstrates, however, that they frequently lead to debt that is nearly impossible to escape. In addition, these loans are related to a cascade of other financial consequences, such as increased overdraft fees, delinquency...