Pentagon adopts narrow credit rules, invites evasion by predatory lenders

Predatory lenders could easily tweak their loan terms to dodge new Pentagon rules released Friday, said national consumer advocates. By narrowly defining problem loans, the Pentagon's final rules of implementation weaken a federal law enacted to protect military families from abusive financial practices. "Perhaps unintentionally, the Pentagon has provided predatory lenders with a set of very specific instructions: 'How to...

New Foreclosures Up in 47 States

The 2nd Quarter National Delinquency Survey, released today by the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), shows that mortgage loans entering foreclosure have increased in 47 states since this time last year. On average, the increases were 50% higher. Only four states-- North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming—did not experience increases in new foreclosures. Less than two percent of the American...

California response to foreclosure crisis weak

A coalition of California consumer organizations demanded stronger, swifter action on the part of the California legislature in response to the subprime mortgage crisis at a press conference in Sacramento today as well as in testimony before the Senate Banking Committee. The organizations, including California ACORN, the California Reinvestment Coalition (CRC), the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL), Consumer Federation of...

North Carolina Acts to Rein in Reckless Home Lending

Durham NC -- As the disastrous consequences of reckless subprime lending continue to mount, North Carolina lawmakers are standing up for homeowners by making it tougher to offer abusive home loans. Earlier this month, the North Carolina Home Loan Protection Act (HB 1817) passed the State Senate 33-15 and the State House 113-0. Today Governor Mike Easley, a strong supporter...

California defaults and foreclosures up again

The second quarter of 2007 featured California's highest foreclosure losses in nearly 20 years, according to DataQuick, the real estate information service based in La Jolla, Calif. Trustees Deeds recorded, which reflect actual home loss due to foreclosure, totaled 17,408 in the second quarter—the highest recorded number of home losses due to foreclosure since DataQuick began collecting data in 1988...


U.S. banks and credit unions are using abusive overdraft loans to generate $17.5 billion in fees each year, according to a major new study, entitled "Out of Balance," from the nonprofit Center for Responsible Lending (CRL). The study finds that financial institutions are deliberately using overdraft systems that are designed to generate more overdrafts from customers, resulting in enormous fees...

California bill does little to help homeowners

The California legislature's subprime lending bill, SB 385 sponsored by Sen. Michael Machado (D-Linden) fails to protect consumers from dangers in the subprime market, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) said today. The legislation merely would require California's regulatory agencies to adopt federal guidelines covering certain "nontraditional" mortgage products that the same regulators have already published for comment and plan...

Calhoun Statement: On Interagency Subprime Guidance

Today federal financial regulators issued a key statement on subprime mortgage lending that applies to banks, subsidiaries and affiliates of banks, and credit unions. The statement requires these federally-regulated entities to take common-sense precautions before approving subprime home loans. This action by regulators represents an important first step toward bringing responsibility and integrity to the subprime market. The statement encourages...

Ernst Statement: Subprime Mortgage Outlook Still Bleak

Foreclosures, particularly on subprime home loans, continue to rise. The Center for Responsible Lending projects that subprime mortgages made in recent years will ultimately result in the loss of a home for 2.2 million families. Yet, although the sharp upward trend in foreclosures is undeniable, some in the lending industry are criticizing information provided by one data-aggregating firm, RealtyTrac, to...

Pentagon rules will leave military families unprotected

Put muscle in predatory lending regulations, consumer groups urge Consumer advocates strongly urged the Department of Defense Monday to make significant changes to proposed federal regulations to ensure that predatory lenders can no longer strip earnings from U.S. soldiers and their families. As written, the regulations will leave loopholes large enough for payday, auto title and other predatory lenders to...