Mick Mulvaney Throwing Sand in the Gears of Effective Consumer Protection

His proposed changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would politicize the agency and "make consumer protection dependent on Congress and the White House standing up to the financial industry." WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Mick Mulvaney, the unlawfully appointed Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, issued a report with recommendations that would dramatically diminish the agency’s independence. As...

Nearly 100 Community, Faith-Based Organizations & Cities Urge CA Assembly To Approve Consumer Protection Legislation, Stop Predatory Lending

Bill to stop predatory lending is set for committee vote on Monday, April 2. OAKLAND, CALIF. – The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL), African American Methodist Episcopal Church - 5th Episcopal District, Asian Law Alliance, Coalition for Humane and Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), UnidosUS, and Western Center on Poverty, with support from 99 California consumer, faith, and civil rights organizations, and...

Senate Resolution Would Weaken Protections in Auto Lending Discrimination

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) has introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution, S.J. Res 57, which would undo the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) 2013 indirect auto lending guidance. This important guidance is a key step to limit discriminatory impact of dealer interest rate markups in the auto lending industry. The resolution has 15 Republican cosponsors...

Report: Mulvaney Letting More Predatory Payday Lenders Off the Hook

Trump’s Pick at Consumer Bureau Will Not Pursue Abusive Payday Loan Debt Collector, Might Do Same for Three Other Payday Lending Companies WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Reuters published a report, " Exclusive: Trump official quietly drops payday loan case, mulls others – sources," that provides additional evidence that Trump's unlawfully appointed Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mick...

Senator Introduces Resolution to Repeal CFPB Payday Rule & Trap Consumers in Debt

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution, S.J. Res. 56, which would repeal the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) rule to stop payday and car title loan debt traps and prevent the CFPB from ever issuing a similar rule. The CFPB rule, finalized in October, established basic consumer protections, including the...

Governor Inslee Signs Measure To Protect Student Borrowers

OAKLAND, CALIF. – Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed the Washington Student Education Loan Bill of Rights into law yesterday, which will provide strong protections for the more than 730,000 student loan borrowers in the state carrying $22.9 billion in student loan debt. The law will establish a Student Loan Advocate to review complaints, and will authorize the state to license...

Senate Passes Bill To Weaken Dodd-Frank Consumer Protection Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Senate voted to pass S. 2155, a banking deregulation bill that if enacted would constitute the largest-ever roll back of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The Dodd-Frank law was enacted in response to the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. The bill now goes to the U.S...

DeVos Wrong to Deny State Enforcement on Student Loan Debts and Collections

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, March 12, the Federal Register will include an interpretation by the Department of Education that state-level student loan servicing laws are preempted by Federal law. While the Department purports to affect loans made under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, this interpretation has no legal effect on state laws. The non-binding memo asserts that...

New HUD Mission Statement Undermines Fair Housing for All

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On March 6, the leadership at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that it is changing its mission statement by stripping away language that promises inclusivity and communities free of discrimination. According to news reports, the new mission statement removes the reference to “inclusive” communities “free from discrimination.” The draft statement now reads...