Mortgage Discrimination: What to Do If It Happens to You

Hal M. Bundrick, CFP | Nerdwallet
“I am hopeful that many of the unfair practices that we saw in the marketplace, particularly during the recent foreclosure crisis, are no longer present,” Nikitra Bailey, executive vice president with the Center for Responsible Lending, tells NerdWallet. The passage of Dodd-Frank regulations sought to stem mortgage lending abuses such as balloon payments, teaser interest rates and high fees —...

Will America Ever Create an Opportunity Economy For All?

Charlene Crowell | The Washington Informer
"As communities of color continue to suffer from financial stress, a new research report provides insights as to how the racial wealth divide is in large part created by policy trends that favor the well-to-do at the expense of the majority of the nation..."

CRL Joins NAACP’s Journey for Justice in Call for Fair and Equal Access to Financial Services

Charlene Crowell | The Saint Louis American
“Economic inequality has long been a major concern in the civil rights community,” observed Nikitra Bailey, CRL executive vice president. “It is essential that lending practices are fair, transparent, and do not rob American families of their opportunity to exist securely in the middle class. There is no place for financial apartheid in our financial services sector.”

Feedback on Supreme Court’s Housing-Law Ruling

Lisa Prevost | The New York Times
Data collected in 2014 under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act showed that of 1.6 million conventional purchase mortgage loans originated the previous year, less than 15 percent went to borrowers of color, according to Nikitra Bailey, an executive vice president of the Center for Responsible Lending.

HUD Offers New Tools for Fair Housing Compliance

Jann Swanson | Mortgage News Daily
The Center for Responsible Lending praised the new rule. Its executive vice president Nikitra Bailey said that when people live in communities of opportunity they are more likely to prosper and when they don't they often end up paying more for mortgages and basic financial services which cripples their ability to save, build wealth, and drains money that could be...

Black Families Must Focus on Asset Building

Charlene Crowell | District Chronicles
“Proving that when families receive responsible mortgage loans, they are able to build a financial safety net that they can access during challenging times,” said Nikitra Bailey, a CRL executive vice-president.

Consumer Complaints Pays Off in $1.6 Billion Relief

Charlene Crowell | The Philadelphia Tribune
“These complaints reveal that consumers continue to face significant challenges within the mortgage industry,” said Nikitra Bailey, CRL vice-president. “The goal of clear and transparent lending is not happening for everyone. That should be the standard, rather than the exception. The CFPB is positioned to ensure fairness for all consumers.”

Martin Eakes Honored by Princeton University

Millree Williams
CRL founder and CEO Martin Eakes received Princeton University’s James Madison Medal on Saturday, February 21, 2015 during the university’s 100th anniversary of Alumni Day. Queen Noor of Jordan, Princeton alumna, was also honored. Martin was honored for his work to empower lower-income communities, including low-wealth families and communities of color. He’s done so through the work of the Center...

Supreme Court to Review Fair Housing Law

Charlene Crowell | The District Chronicles
Speaking at a January 21, midday rally organized by the National Fair Housing Alliance and held on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, Nikitra Bailey, senior vice-president with CRL said, “Today, the question before the Supreme Court is a simple one: Will the court stand on the side of justice and fairness by upholding disparate impact as a critical...

High Court Housing Case Could Ease Discrimination Claims

Jess Davis | Law 360
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday will consider whether Texas can be sued for disparate impact under the Fair Housing Act for how it allocated low-income tax credits in Dallas, in a case lawyers say would make it harder to bring claims of unintentional discrimination against companies in a broad swath of industries, including developers, lenders and insurers.