How military members can protect themselves from predatory lenders

Virgie Powell | The Entrepreneur Fund
After serving overseas, military service members return home to face a new economic reality that often includes, unfortunately, lenders looking to take advantage of their vulnerability. These so-called predatory lenders, which pop up around military bases, try to entice or deceive young soldiers into taking out loans that impose abusive or unfair terms. “Predatory lenders like to prey on young...

Predatory lenders prey on military members. Here’s how to avoid being victimized

Michelle Fox | CNBC
After serving overseas, military service members return home to face a new economic reality that often includes, unfortunately, lenders looking to take advantage of their vulnerability. These so-called predatory lenders, which pop up around military bases, try to entice or deceive young soldiers into taking out loans that impose abusive or unfair terms. “Predatory lenders like to prey on young...

U.S. states urge CFPB not to dilute rule that limits bank overdraft fees

Jonathan Stempel | Reuters
NEW YORK, July 2 (Reuters) - The attorneys general of New York and 23 other states plus Washington, D.C. have urged the Trump administration not to roll back a decade-old federal rule that limits the ability of banks to charge overdraft fees when customers spend more than they have in their accounts. In a letter to Kathy Kraninger, director of...

Consumer Groups Press Agency to Support Reform of ‘Abusive Practices’

Credit Union Today
WASHINGTON– A coalition of consumer groups has sent a letter to the CFPB urging it not to weaken the Federal Reserve’s 2009 overdraft “opt-in” rule. “More broadly, comprehensive reform of unfair and abusive overdraft practices is badly needed. … Financial institutions combine a number of unfair and abusive practices in order to impose high, repeat overdraft fees on their customers,”...

CFPB is taking a fresh look at bank overdraft fee rule

Renata Sago | Marketplace
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau just wrapped up a public comment period on a rule that extends some protections to consumers who overdraw their checking accounts. The CFPB must examine the rule under a federal law that requires agencies to review rules that might affect small businesses. Before the Federal Reserve Board set the 2009 overdraft rule, banks could automatically...

High-interest car title loans would be banned in Arizona under ballot proposal

Russ Wiles | Arizona Republic
Signature gatherers are starting to fan out across Arizona in an effort to curb a type of high-interest lending in the state. Roughly 20 community groups on Tuesday kicked off a drive to qualify a measure that would curtail auto-title loans that feature high interest rates and, critics say, trap borrowers in a debt cycle.

Seventh Circuit: Student Loan Borrowers Can Sue Servicers Under State Consumer Protection Laws

Mike Landis | Consumer Law & Policy Blog
Yesterday, a unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit issued an opinion in which it concluded that the federal Higher Education Act (HEA) does not preempt state law claims against student loan servicers. The case involves a student loan borrower who brought a putative class action against the loan servicer alleging violations of the Illinois...

Study: Student loans have grads feeling 'buyer's remorse' over college

Alexandra Canal | Yahoo Finance
The student debt crisis is reaching a breaking point — and many grads are regretting their pricey degrees. A new study from the FINRA Foundation found that almost half of Americans with student loans wish they’d chosen a less expensive college, compared to only 9% among those who did not graduate with debt.