States and cities are making strident efforts to crack down on for-profit colleges

Jillian Berman | Market Watch
Over the past several years, debate has raged among policymakers at the federal level about the best way to ensure for-profit colleges provide students with a decent college education, and don’t burden their students with high levels of debt they can’t repay. Toward the end of their tenure, Obama administration officials implemented two rules aimed at cracking down on for-profit...

Plan to forgive public-service workers’ student loans off to rocky start

Alyssa Klink | Cronkite News
WASHINGTON – The federal government promised college students in 2007 that if they took their degrees and went into a public service profession, they could apply to have whatever student loan debts they still had after 10 years forgiven. So far, the reality has been somewhat different. When the first 29,000 applications were filed with the Department of Education last...

How to Find a Fixed-Rate Credit Card

Pamela Babcock | US News and World Report
If you carry a balance and can get a low interest rate, you might consider getting a fixed-rate card. But fixed-rate credit cards can be difficult to find and may come with other drawbacks. Here's a look at whether these cards might be a good option for you.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau moves to limit home loan data

Aaron Glantz and Emmanuel Martinez | Reveal
Want to know which banks target people of color for loans with high interest rates, steep fees or reverse mortgages? Or which banks deny home loans to African Americans and Latinos even when their income shows they could easily cover the monthly payment? You won’t be able to find out if new regulations proposed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau...

Like it or not, debt collectors may be texting and emailing you under new rules

David Lazarus | LA Times
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, under President Trump, already has moved to make life easier for payday lenders. It’s expected any day now to do the same for debt collectors. The bureau will unveil proposed rule changes that are likely to include explicit permission for debt collectors to contact people via text and email (and maybe social media). The new...

America Scores an Average ‘C’ Grade for Financial Literacy Month

Kate Patrick | Inside Sources
Ten years after the financial crisis and Great Recession, WalletHub measured the financial literacy of each state. The average grade? No higher than a B, with most states falling in the D+ to B- range. The reason? Little to no financial education. “We don’t learn personal finance anywhere in school —some schools have very limited financial education — so for...

He paid $10,000 for an RV. But the dealer never gave him the title

Rebekah L. Sanders | Arizona Republic
When Ken Pepion paid $10,000 for a recreational vehicle to enjoy in retirement, he expected to own it. But five months after driving off the lot of Scottsdale RV, Pepion still has no proof the vehicle is his. "We tried to get in touch with the dealer. Their phones would ring and ring, but no one would answer," Pepion, a...

Elizabeth Warren's plan for student loan forgiveness: Don't bank on it

Susan Tompor | Detroit Free Press
Caution: If you're someone who grabs money management tips after a quick read of a headline or two on Twitter, take note. Don't bank on getting a big break yet on your college debt. "College students who are graduating this year should not count on having their student loans forgiven," said Mark Kantrowitz, publisher and vice president of research for...

Liz Weston: How debt ‘solutions’ could dig you in deeper

Liz Weston | The Charlotte Observer
Americans are slipping ever deeper into hock. To cope, many people turn to debt consolidation loans, cash-out mortgage refinancing and retirement plan loans that promise relief but could leave them worse off. Paying off high-rate debt such as credit cards with lower-rate loans may seem like a no-brainer. Unfortunately, many of these loans have hidden costs and drawbacks. And consolidation...