Consumer groups line up against proposed banking rule change

Mark Huffman | Consumer Affairs
The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) calls the rule change an “end run,” allowing lenders to overcome state regulations that limit interest rates. Critics also call it a “rent-a-bank” scheme, since the bank of record has little involvement in the actual loan, though it may loan the money to the third-party lender, which in turn loans it to the consumer...

A rebirth of predatory lending in North Carolina?

A long list of worries weighs on us. Our health, our jobs, our children’s education. Are we in danger of foreclosure or eviction? What about racial disparities in policing and justice systems? While we are grappling with these tremendous challenges, federal regulators have something else on their minds: They are methodically easing the way for predatory lenders.

After a 15-year ban, could payday lending return to North Carolina?

Sophie Kasakove | The News & Observer
Research has shown that payday lending specifically targets Black communities. In 2005, The Center for Responsible Lending, a nonprofit group that promotes policies to curb predatory lending, found that African-American neighborhoods in North Carolina had three times as many payday loan stores per capita as white neighborhoods.

Policy Responses to the Economic Crisis Must Take Racial Disparities and Debt-Related Abuses Into Account

Calandra Davis | Hope Policy Institute
In the midst of the growing economic crisis, communities of color are hit disproportionately hard. These communities, particularly Black communities, are still recovering from previous disasters, like Hurricane Katrina and the 2008 foreclosure crisis. The health disparities that plague these communities coincide with the growing economic threat. Policymakers’ responses to COVID-19 must account for pervasive racial and economic inequality, and...

The nuts and bolts of the Paycheck Protection Program

Joyce M Rosenberg | Associated Press
Many banks also enraged owners at the start by rejecting their applications if they didn’t have multiple accounts including existing loans or lines of credit. And some of the biggest banks in the country took a week or more to start accepting applications. The problems made it more difficult for minority businesses to get loans, according to a report from...

Big banks join fight against new ILCs

Kevin Wack | American Banker
The question of whether to allow tech companies to operate banks is a rare issue in which the banking industry is allied with consumer advocacy organizations. Consumer groups that have expressed concerns about the FDIC’s proposal include the Center for Responsible Lending, the National Consumer Law Center and the Woodstock Institute.

Where you bank can make a big difference for racial justice

Annie Nova & Darla Mercado, CFP | CNBC
However, one survey found that just 1 in 10 Black or Latinx small business owners received the assistance they requested under the government stimulus package. The Center for Responsible Lending also found that many Black business owners were shut out of the Paycheck Protection Program, the small business loans designed to keep employees on the payroll throughout the pandemic.

Why minority-owned businesses are struggling to get PPP loans

Ivette Feliciano & Connie Kargbo | PBS News Hour
The Paycheck Protection Program or PPP provides federally-backed forgivable loans to businesses whose revenues may be impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. According to the Center for Responsible Lending, little of the $659 billion fund has made it to Latino and Black-owned businesses, despite being the communities hit hardest by the crisis. NewsHour Weekend’s Ivette Feliciano reports.